How you show up in your social communities matters. It matters a lot. Your personality probably shows up naturally in your personal social media interactions. But what about your business?

Global corporations spend millions creating “personalities” to represent their businesses. Personalities like “Flo” from Progressive Insurance or the AFLAC duck or even good ole “Tony the Tiger” from yester-year.

Your business has a personality too. Especially when it comes to social business. Your personality is more than just a way of connecting, it has an impact on the kind of content you deliver, the kind of connections you make, and how people will do business with you and refer you.

It’s that important.

Here are seven personalities that your business can take in your social communities. You may not show up in the same position in every community, depending on the role you have. In addition, your personality may be a composite or two or more of these types.

However you roll, I’m betting that one or more of these is sure to strike a cord.

Seven Social Business Personalities

The seven personalities are:

  • In the authority position, you are viewed as the knowledge expert on the subject. Typically, you lead the groups, the forums and the tribes. Authority figures and companies engage in the community by providing expertise that others need.
  • In the resource position, you are the “go to” person who knows where to find the tools, talent and other resources people need to get their problems solved or the job done. You may also be the connector and create the links among relationships or you may simply provide access to the best resources.
  • The connector brings people together for mutual benefit. Connectors know everyone, and more importantly, have a natural gift for how different people fit together for mutual benefit. Connectors engage by being business match-makers.
  • Problem-solver. The problem-solvers in the community can look at a situation and know the best way to fix it. They are the business “troubleshooters” in the social community. They engage by answering the “how to” questions other ask.
  • The innovators are creators and inventors. Innovators are always bringing something new into the community; either something they have created or something they have found and modified or repurposed so that it can be used in a new way. Innovator’s engage by creating “aha” moments for the community.
  • Counselors provide advice (not necessarily answers) to the community. They often engage in the community as coaches. Counselors are often posting “words to live by,” either theirs or others. Counselor companies are the advice givers such as insurance, lawyer, real estate, health professionals, CPAs.
  • Caregivers engage as supporters. They offer comfort to the community through products and services that help in times of business or personal trauma or distress. Examples of care giver personalities are: elder care specialists, health care professionals, charities and nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations.

Learning your social business personality or position is a critical factor in the marketing your business effectively.